Isenção de responsabilidade jurídica
1 Tabelião de Notas - RP is committed to providing accurate and reliable legal information, but the content on this page is for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered as legal advice or recommendations for your specific situation. As the specifics of each individual case can vary, we strongly advise seeking legal counsel for guidance on drafting your own Terms and Conditions.
Termos e Condições - noções fundamentais
T&C should be tailored to the specific needs and nature of each website. For instance, a website involved in e-commerce transactions will require different T&C compared to a site offering solely informational content (such as a blog, a landing page redirecting to others, and so forth). T&C provide the site owner with the ability to protect against potential legal exposure. However, legal requirements may vary by jurisdiction, so seeking local legal advice is recommended for legal protection.
O que incluir no documento de T&C
In general terms, T&C often regulate the following issues: who can use the site; possible forms of payment; a statement that the site owner may alter its offerings in the future; the types of warranty provided by the site owner to its customers; a reference to intellectual property or copyright matters when relevant; the site owner's right to suspend or terminate a member's account; and much more. For further information, please refer to our article.